Sunday, December 03, 2006

Paying it forward...

A number of blogs I read (including Cathi's and Marion's) have recently made mention of a Pay it Forward kind of scheme - someone offers up a piece of work to the first however many takers (usually 5 or so) and instead of swapping directly back, you agree to make a similar offer on your own blog. Having taken up at least two of these offers (and I think maybe one more, but I can't remember on whose blog!) I hereby make a similar offer to people reading this blog: I will send you a piece of my work; in exchange you have to post a similar offer on your own blog. I won't promise it will be a large piece, though it won't be smaller than a postcard (it may be a postcard!) and I won't promise it before Christmas as I'm not completely insane, but you will get it in the new year, probably January and it will be original...

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