Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Patterns & Textures

Didn't do any work today because I went with my mother up to town to do another London walk - this time around the Square mile, with an emphasis on Shakespeare and Dickens. Being an odd arty person, I took pictures of pavements and tiles and some leaves which were nearly embedded in the tarmac and other odd stuff like that. And I took pictures of buildings and stuff too, so if you want to see a bit more of what that part of London really looks like, you can check out this set in my flickr album. Though it won't give a perfect idea, as I didn't take photos of all the places where buildings were covered with scaffolding, which seemed to be almost as profligate as Starbucks shops... Really must do some work some time - tomorrow may be out as there's a school production and then I have to grocery shop. Maybe Friday...


atet said...

Lovely photos. I take pictures like this as well. Tends to drive my husband batty!

rlbates said...

Kate, love the photos.
I've nominated you for an award 9be-the-blog). You can check my blog or here for info

Julie said...

Thanks for sharing these great photos! I had never heard of the Heroes Wall. The memorials are beautiful as well as touching. I love to photograph shapes and textures too.