Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Laugh & Log Cabins

Nothing to show of my own (I had an hour or so again today, but just didn't really feel like focussing on anything, so I read email for a little while then went back to school to sort some stuff in the library and uniform shop) but I have lots of fun things to show from the post. First, yesterday's treasure - I knew this was coming - I ordered it from Nikki Wheeler's new etsy shop as a present for a friend. Isn't it lovely?

And today, I got this parcel in the post. Remember a few days ago I got a couple of brown, black & pink pineapple blocks in the post? Well, here are the bulk of the ones that were made for me back in the autumn when Sophie started organising the project. Sophie's original intent was to put them together into a quilt and have it quilted by a longarmer friend, but with her ongoing health issues, the project had been temporarily set aside (more blocks were needed to make a larger piece), so I suggested she just send the blocks to me as they were and I will at some point put them together in some way - at the moment I am waiting to see if anyone else sends blocks along, as some women in the groups have offered to send a few more.
I also got this great brown & pink backing fabric (and coordinating pink piece) and the signature blocks from the women who made blocks for me. I'm really bowled over by them - they are great blocks (see me avoiding using the word "lovely"? I know I over-use it) and I look forward to working with them.


Anonymous said...

The pineapple blocks are lovely!

artisbliss said...

These are going to make a wonderful quilt.

Your package is on its way!

sewkalico said...

If you find when you come to put it together that you need another block (or two) I would be pleased to make another one (or two) for you :O)

Julie said...

I love the Nikki Wheeler piece - lovely! (I use that word all the time too vbg)